We believe everyone should have access to education tailored to their needs. That is why writemycustomessay.com creates educational resources that help people learn in a way that works best for them.
This document outlines our vision for the appropriate usage of our platform.It is not allowed to copy or resell the work of writemycustomessay.com without giving credit to the original author. This is called plagiarism, and it is a form of cheating.
If you hire someone from writemycustomessay.com to do your academic work for you without following the proper channels, it will be considered collusion.
Submitting work that is not yours or that you did not create without prior permission from writemycustomessay.com is a form of intellectual property theft or copying and is therefore illegal.
Taking on someone else’s identity for personal gains, like fabricating the results of an exam, is called impersonation.
To take someone else's work and pass it off as your own in exchange for money or some other type of payment.
It is unethical to falsify or alter data to make it look like something it is not. This includes doctoring images.
writemycustomessay.com is committed to providing a loyal and reliable service for all customers who use our services. This means that we require compliance with the rules outlined in this document. Clients who do not abide by them can be banned from accessing our platform and services permanently.
Here, we have documented a list of common tasks that violate our terms and conditions.
We have a strict policy against academic integrity breaches on our website. If you notice any violations, please let us know immediately so we can take the necessary action!