Best Research Paper Topics for Students to Choose From
Research papers are an important part of academic life. In many cases, students get paper writing as their term papers. They are necessary for every student to write because they enhance their writing and research skills and broaden the horizon.
Moreover, it lets the students polish their argumentative writing skills and helps them to convince people of their point of view.
However, writing a research paper is easy but finding the right topic is a real deal. Unfortunately, college students often get confused when it comes to searching for some easy research paper topics.
Keep on reading the blog if you want pro writing tips on all types of papers.
Best Research Paper Topics for Students
The following is a list of some good research paper topics for students to choose from.
High School Research Paper Topics
- Should the government legalize the use of smartphones in high school classrooms?
- Why is leadership training in high schools necessary?
- Is secondary help in enhancing the debating skills of students?
- Give your thoughts on Plato’s philosophy of mathematics.
- Are Maths formulas useful in real life?
- Should high schools make their students undergo leadership training?
- Should high school include subjects related to real life?
- Examine the jail system of China.
- What psychological effects did the Holocaust leave on the survivors?
- “Harry Potter” is overrated. Discuss why?
Research Topics for Middle School
- How has technology created a gap between generations?
- What is the stock market and how does it work?
- Male friends are better than female friends. Why?
- Can amusement parks be used for educational purposes?
- How practical is the idiom “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”?
- Issues faced by obese people.
- What makes nations more prosperous than others?
- Does beauty, in general, determine how much a person will be successful in life?
- How can plastic surgery help in building self-confidence?
- How can communication with friends be made better?
Research Paper Topics for College
- Explore the design and construction of thermal plants around the globe.
- Analyze how the free software movement is positively transforming the world.
- Analyze cognitive development in children.
- How does the government assess the health care needs of communities?
- Discuss the process of pre-election and its effects on voter conduct.
- How does menstruation affect young girls?
- What brings about societal stereotypes?
- Should the minimum wage be increased to raise more workers out of poverty?
- Is it true that AIDS originated from monkeys?
- What is the difference between the greenhouse effect and global warming?
Research Paper Topics for Different Subjects
Below-given is a list of topics for different subjects. Have a look at them to understand better.
Research Paper Topics on Education
- Why is developing the skill of critical thinking the primary goal of education?
- Discuss the evolution of approaches to education.
- How are education and modern technology related to each other?
- Virtual classes and research rooms. Which is more effective?
- The phenomenon of apprenticeship and its role in developing the education system.
- What are the pros and cons of sex education?
- Why are education and gender-related to each other?
- Theoretical education vs. practical education. Which is effective?
- Discuss the concept of apprenticeship.
- What are the standards of basic education?
Psychology Research Paper Topics
- How are mental illness and aging-related to each other?
- What is the relation between bullying and law problems?
- Discussing insecurity of one's sexuality triggers homophobes.
- Socializing is a healthy activity. Discuss.
- Why can we quit smoking through hypnosis?
- Do harsh laws influence morality?
- Mental health and child obesity are interrelated. How?
- Many mental health issues are related to childhood. Discuss.
- What are the impacts of divorce on children?
- What are the impacts of social interaction?
History Research Paper Topics
- How did the Civil War impact the history of the United States of America?
- What were the prominent features of the Roman Empire?
- Explain the havoc caused by World War II?
- How did the depression era contribute to the change in the ideology of the general population?
- Was Martin Luther King a reformist?
- Is racial discrimination still a part of American society?
- Compare and contrast between the Neolithic period and the stone age.
- Discuss the French Revolution in detail.
- What is Hippie culture? Trace and explain its origins and influences.
- What is the significance of the Battle of Hastings in the history of England?
Research Paper Topics on International Relations
- Discuss Russia’s intervention in Syria and its impacts on US-Europe relations.
- Discuss Thirty Years of U.S. policy toward Russia.
- How is China growing as a superpower?
- Analyze the USA-China Trade war.
- US military pullout from Germany as a policy shift in Europe. Discuss in detail.
- What are the causes of conflict between India and China?
- Describe the India-China border clash.
- Give a brief account of China’s Economic Growth.
- What is the role of the UN in resolving the Indian illegal annexation of Kashmir?
- Isolationism in the United States. Explain the concept.
Research Paper Topics for English Literature
- What part does mythology have in English literature?
- Do you think Dickens failed after attempting serious and romantic novels?
- Literature as a tool of propaganda.
- Why is ‘Harry Potter’ so popular?
- Investigate Shakespeare-related disputes.
- Classify artificial literary languages.
- The American Dream is depicted in twentieth-century literature.
- In a secular age, religion, and literature.
- 19th century English literature characteristics.
- Discuss Hemingway's works.
- Discuss similarities and differences between Shakespeare and Charles Dickens.
Research Paper Topics for Computer Science
- Private information vs. digital security
- All you need to know about Blockchain.
- Is Mac more secure than Windows?
- What exactly is the significance of big data analysis?
- Beginner's approach to learning SEO basics.
- Is it wise to invest in artificial intelligence?
- Everything you need to know about computer help in support services.
- Machine learning and neural networks
- Database architecture and management concept.
- Discuss the significance of Open Source software.
Research Paper Topics on Physical Education
- Examining the impact of a computer-based exercise program on the fitness levels of pupils.
- The effect of unexpected workouts on an unskilled person.
- A comparison of several physical education curricula in middle schools.
- The effect of carbohydrate supplements on female soccer players.
- Athletic training: the use of computer simulation to assess decision-making abilities.
- Prison education: Evaluating the quality of sporting facilities.
- The reactions of overweight people to high-intensity interval training.
- A comparison of computer-based versus teacher-directed teaching for the whole golf swing.
- The impact of in-service training on physical education instructors' attitudes.
- The effect of music on recreational runners' step frequency.
Research Paper Topics for Data Mining
- How is Dependency Modeling used?
- How is Representative-based Clustering Performed?
- Why is there a need for Density-based Clustering?
- Importance of association rule learning in data mining.
- What is the importance of linear and nonlinear regression analysis?
- Why is Probabilistic Classification important in Data Mining?
- How reliable is the Naive Bayes classifier?
- Applications of hierarchical clustering.
- Is kernel estimation a reliable algorithm?
- How is Data Mining helpful in the growth of a business?
Research Paper Topics on Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning; an emerging trend
- Advancements in deep learning
- What is reinforcement learning?
- Robotics
- What is natural language processing?
- Computer Vision
- Recommender Systems
- Internet of Things
- Reinforcement Learning
- Natural Language Processing
Research Topics on Bilingualism
- Understanding the benefit and significance of teaching students in two languages
- Can adults learn to speak a foreign language without an accent?
- Understanding educational strategies that involve diverse cultural backgrounds
- Outcomes of bilingualism through french immersion
- Bilingual Education
- When are you considered bilingual?
- The Self-Motivated State of Bilingualism
- Bilingualism is a natural phenomenon worldwide
- Are the Cognitive Benefits of Bilingualism Restricted to Language?
- Are there differences in the brains of bilinguals and monolinguals?
Research Topics on Economics
- Flaws in the financial markets
- National and worldwide economics
- Asset pricing models
- Regulatory economics
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Global conflicts and economy.
- Government budgets, debts, and deficits.
- What is economic forecasting?
- What is Fiscal policy?
- Risks Associated With Small Businesses.
Easy Research Paper Topics
- Eating disorders affecting teens
- Education is important for all
- Feminism; an emerging trend
- Is Gay pride a disgrace or a human right?
- Female genital mutilation
- Health comes first
- Marriage and Divorce
- Social Media portrayals are hype
- Parenting
- Prostitution should not be taboo
Argumentative Research Paper Topics
- Why should Racial slurs be illegal?
- Gun ownership should be tightly regulated.
- Puerto Rico should be granted statehood.
- People should go to jail when they abandon their pets.
- Members of Congress should be subject to term limits.
- Recycling should be mandatory for everyone.
- High-speed internet access should be regulated like a public utility.
- Yearly driving tests should be mandatory for the first five years after getting a license.
- Recreational marijuana should be made legal nationwide.
- Legal marijuana should be taxed and regulated like tobacco or alcohol.
How to Choose a Research Paper Topic?
Here are some easy tips that you should follow while selecting a research topic idea.
- Choose What Interests You
If you are allowed to select a topic of your choice, try to figure out the areas of your interest. Explore all the things which you find eye-catching. With this, you will be able to search for it easily.
However, make sure to choose an idea that is according to the basic ethical values. It can be a time-consuming task, but it will make the whole writing paper procedure easy for you.
- Conduct Research on the Topic
Once you have selected your topic, it's time to collect information related to it. If you have chosen a controversial topic, collect some reasonable evidence and facts to support it.
You may also take references from books, articles, and previously written research papers. Furthermore, identify your audience to understand their viewpoint.
- Follow the Supervisor’s Instructions
For selecting research paper topics, teachers usually provide a very extensive instruction manual. Unfortunately, most students often do not give importance to such instructions and ignore them. Thus, they miss important information and helping points provided by the supervisor.
- Use Relevant Keywords
Come up with a keyword relevant to your subject and preference. This technique is important to grab the audience’s attention.
Once you are done looking into these steps, numerous good ideas must be roaming in your mind. It's time to narrow them down and decide which topic you want to go for.
Now you have plenty of topics to write your research paper about. If you need help from a professional writer, then hit us up at
We will provide you with original and high-quality research papers with perfect thesis statements and research questions. Also, we can write the complete research paper for you at an affordable price.
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Literature, Marketing
Barbara's qualifications include a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university and extensive experience working practically in the medical field. With her research experience on various health issues, she is skilled in writing papers that offer new perspectives on healthcare topics. Many of her works have been published across multiple renowned publications.